
Tuition for Castro Valley Performing Arts is based on a four-week month. It is broken into twelve one-month (four week) sessions per year along with four weeks off per year. As we have a large number of students who wish to take more than one class per week, we offer a sliding tuition scale in which the more classes that are taken, the less each individual class costs. This sliding scale enables our students to take a greater number of classes per week and thus makes an extensive dance education more affordable for those students who wish to really study.


Price per student per month as follows:

$60.00 1st class per week (4 classes per month)
$105.00 2nd class per week (8 classes per month)
$140.00 3rd class per week (12 classes per month)
$175.00 4th class per week (16 classes per month)
$205.00 5th class per week (20 classes per month)
$225.00 6th class per week (24 classes per month)
$245.00 7th class per week (28 classes per month)
$260.00 8th class per week (32 classes per month)
$270.00 9th class per week (36 classes per month)
$280.00 Unlimited classes per week
$130.00 Private lessons
$130.00 Semi-private /trio lessons
$22.00 Single class*

*family rate: deduct $2.00 off per student

Must be siblings for family discount to apply and tuition must be paid on time.

The family rate will not be honored on late tuition.

Family rate applies to two or more members of immediate family only.

Monthly Tuition Pay Period

January 2025 Sunday, January 5th through Saturday, February 1st. CVPA is open on Martin Luther King Day - Monday, January 20th. Last day to pay tuition without incurring a late charge is Friday, January 10th.
February Sunday, February 2nd through Saturday, March 1st. CVPA is open on President's Day - Monday, February 17th. Last day to pay tuition without incurring a late charge is Monday, February 10th.
March Sunday, March 2nd through Saturday, March 29th. CVPA will be closed from Sunday March 30th through Saturday, April 5th for Spring Break. Last day to pay tuition without incurring a late charge is Monday, March 10th.
April Sunday, April 6th through Saturday, May 3rd. . Last day to pay tuition without incurring a late charge is Thursday, April 10th.
May Sunday, May 4th through Saturday, May 31st. CVPA is open Memorial Day on Monday, May 29th. Last day to pay tuition without incurring a late charge is Saturday, May 10th.
June Sunday, June 1st through Saturday, June 28th. Last day to pay tuition without incurring a late charge is Tuesday, June 10th.
July Sunday, July 6th through Saturday, August 2nd. CVPA will be closed from Sunday, June 29th thru Saturday, July 5th for summer break. Last day to pay tuition without incurring a late charge is Thursday, July 10th.
August Sunday, August 3rd through Saturday, August 30th. Last day to pay tuition without incurring a late charge is Sunday, August 10th.
September Sunday, August 31st through Saturday, September 27th. CVPA will be open on Labor Day - Monday, September 1st. Last day to pay tuition without incurring a late charge is Wednesday, September 10th.
October Sunday, September 28th through Saturday, October 25th. Last day to pay tuition without incurring a late charge is Friday, October 10th.
November Sunday, October 26th through Saturday, November 22nd. Last day to pay tuition without incurring a late charge is Monday, November 10th.
December Sunday, November 23rd through Saturday, December 20th. CVPA will be closed for Thanksgiving on Thursday, November 27th. Classes on November 27th will be made up. CVPA will be closed from Sunday, December 21st through Saturday, January 3rd. Last day to pay tuition without incurring a late charge is Wednesday, December 10th.
January 2026 Sunday, January 4th through Saturday, January 31st CVPA will be open on Martin Luther King Day - Monday, January 19th. Last day to pay tuition without incurring a late charge is Saturday, January 10th.

*The April, July, and December vacation periods in which the studio is closed are not counted as weeks that you pay for classes. The tuition is based on 4 weeks of classes per month X 12 months for 48 weeks of classes and 4 weeks of vacations. The weeks that the studio is closed are not included in the tuition that you pay but are the 4 extra weeks per year. If you were charged for those 4 weeks, you would be paying for 13 months of tuition instead of 12.


Tuition is based on a four-week month and it is due and payable on the first lesson of every 4 week period, which is outlined on the tuition calendar.

A 10-percent late charge is automatically charged on any tuition not received by the 10th day of the tuition calendar month. There are no refunds or carry-over credits for missed classes. Missed classes must be made-up within 4 weeks in a class other than that which the student is registered in. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule and attend these make-ups. The sliding-scale rate on one or more lessons per month does not apply unless the month is paid in full prior to the 10th day of the tuition calendar month otherwise each lesson is paid for at the single lesson rate of $22 per class. Students will be billed the individual class rate of $22 per class if the sliding-scale tuition has not been paid in full by the 10th day of the tuition calendar month. The student is responsible for notifying the teacher if he/she is missing class.

**CVPA offers a “free” trial week for first time students. This “free” week gives the student an opportunity to try various classes in order to find the “best fit” for them. After this first week, new students will be required to be registered for any further classes. First-time students registering mid-month who wish to pay the “by the month” rate will be able to pro-rate for the first month – meaning that if you register on the 3rd week of the month, you will be able to prorate the monthly fee to $15 per class for the remainder of that first month. This will only be allowed for students registering for their first month of dance…and will not be allowed in any month after that.

The April, July, and December vacation periods in which the studio is closed are not counted as weeks that you pay for classes. The tuition is based on 4 weeks of classes per month X 12 months for 48 weeks of classes and 4 weeks of vacations. The weeks that the studio is closed are not included in the tuition that you pay but are the 4 extra weeks per year. If you were charged for those 4 weeks, you would be paying for 13 months of tuition instead of 12.

Tuition is non-refundable.

register today

Specializing in Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Lyrical, Contemporary, Hip-Hop, Tumbling, Stretch and Strengthen, Turns and Leaps, Musical Theater and Zumba for children and adults of all technical levels from beginners to the advanced. Group, private and semi-private classes are available. Boys’ classes are also available.